About Me

What got you blogging?

I started blogging several years ago, but back then I didn't really know that I was doing it. Xanga and Myspace were the first things I really used. I even had two separate Xanga blogs, and I can't even remember what i wrote on them anymore or why I even had two- it was that long ago. I neglected my Xanga before long, and Myspace was where everyone was. Mostly, I shared poem that I had written, weird rants about things that were going on in my life and stressing me out, and lists of facts that "no one" knew about me. Then Myspace started dwindling.

I started my first Blogger site some time in 2009 when I was a senior in high school - or right after I got out. I titled it "Thoughts" and posted whatever I wanted - it was mostly a place to vent my frustrations at ex-boyfriends, mourn all the broken hearts I had been through, share my poems, and share big things that made a difference in my life at the time. (All but one of those posts were shortly deleted because I decided that it was time to get rid of the exs that were plaguing my thoughts because I started dating someone who made me feel happier than they ever had.) A year later, I started two blogs with my best friend. One was our Bucketlist Blog that we occasionally post on to this day, and the other, Friday Afternoons was simply a place for us to vent the weird, goofy, and non-sensical things that we thought about after a long day of work or when we were so stressed that funny things just came out of our mouths on accident. Like all my other blogs, that soon became neglected to. I hadn't touched a blog in two years when I made this blog.

A friend from high school, Kelly from Dandelion Dreams, started one a few years ago, but I only found out about it recently. After looking at it, lots of thinking, and the need for something more fulfilling in my day-to-day life, I decided that I wanted to do it too.

Beginnings of Book-A-Holic

I've been a voracious reader all of my life. In elementary school, I read above my grade level, and I was constantly visiting the library to get another book to read for the Accelerated Reader program. In middle school, I continued my love of books, also visiting the library often to find another book to read for our Accelerated Reader program. I was always at the top of my class in points because I read so much. Sometimes too much, and I got in trouble for not doing what I was supposed to be doing.

As an adult, reading is still one of my main passions. I have two bookshelves full of books I've read (and a lengthy goodreads 'read' list), and baskets, window sills, boxes, and a kindle archive full of books I have yet to read. I am constantly looking for book that interest me and that push me to be a better reader, writer, and person.

This blog came straight from this love of books. It has given me a wonderful place to share my love of books with the blogging world, interact with other bloggers with the same passion that I have, writers that I admire and adore, and a network of people that can help me out as a writer.


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So you're wondering why all my customized image have blue lips on them? Along with eight other tattoos, I have a tattoo of blue lips on my neck. While most people mistake them as a "zombie kiss" or try to find writing in the pattern of the lips, that has nothing to do with it. All of my tattoos are about symbolism. When I was around sixteen or seventeen, I had a book about inner goddesses when I came across a passage about the women of the Maori. The women of their tribe were only tattooed on their lips and chin - because of this, in their tribe, full blue lips were a sign of beauty. So my fifth tattoo was a pair of blue lips - signifying that no matter what, I find myself beautiful.

Let's Get Personal

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I married the man of my dreams in June after three wonderful years of dating. We are puppy-parents to two beautiful furbabies, Feisty, a feisty female pug/chihuahua/dachshund mix, and a large and loving German Shepherd/Belgian Malinois boy named Padfoot. They make me better, and I'm thankful I have them each and every day.

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